Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Found Time to Work

Here is one of the mitts that I am currently working on.  I am using Palette by Knit Picks and I chose to use a pink and a light brown for this mitt.  I finished it but, I only have one taken care of.  I would have done the second one but, the fires from down the road did me in.  I had to take off much needed time and get myself back to normal, which is taking way longer than I thought it might. 

Do not ask me the colors of the yarn, I have no idea at this point.  I am having a hard time concentrating right now.  My sleep schedule is really off and I find myself going to bed at 4 am and waking up at weird hours in the night.  I can't get comfy.  Now, my poor hubby has gotten the crud from me.  Poor guy. 

I will get back to work on the mitts tomorrow.  I have so much to do and KRHF is looming on the horizon.  Anyone know where I can get two more sets of arms and hands that know how to knit?